A collection of articles, case studies, and whitepapers that I have authored on various topics related to full stack development, IT consulting, and technology trends. My work reflects my extensive experience as an Independent Full Stack IT Consultant, providing insights into the latest industry practices and innovative solutions.
Psychology and Design: Perception phases
Published in Prototyp.io | Feb 13, 2017
In this series I would focus on hard data from the world of cognitive psychology and present you some practical examples of this knowledge. Understanding how people see and how they recognise colors, shapes or faces is extremely important in designing any visual systems for humans.
Icon or label?
Published in Prototypr.io | May 4, 2017
When it comes to design more complex interfaces, sometimes we encounter a very curious obstacle: If I place here an icon, will it be easy to understand what it does? Maybe adding a label would make it more clear? And there is no simple answer. All depends on the project’s assumptions like target device or specific users group but we can stress good practises in designing both forms.
Don’t blame the user. Start creating useful error messages.
Published in Medium | Jun 13, 2018
Until now, the procedures for displaying error messages in software handling, typically created by developers, have been quite straightforward — whenever something “went wrong,” the user would receive a short error message along with its predefined code. This brutally simplistic approach has served its purpose for a long time, as the vast majority of us have been accustomed to this type of communication for years.
Super Simple Reactive Forms Validation On Submit — Angular 8+
Published in Medium | Oct 22, 2019
With Angular's eighth version release, the new FormGroup method markAllAsTouched() enables dynamic highlighting of all required fields upon clicking submit.
Breadcrumbs in pure AngularJS with crumble
Published in Medium | Apr 30, 2019
There are many libraries for breadcrumbs in angularJS but most of them are built for ui-router. What if existing project uses standard angular-route and we don’t want to change that?
How to make consistent UI using Angular 2 + transclusion
Published in Medium | Jan 28, 2017
CSS classes can get out of control, and HTML can become messy? I have a few tips for you to address these problems, namely through the use of Angular 2 and the concept of transclusion. Transclusion lets you define a fixed template for a given UI element, and at the same time, it enables you to define a slot for dynamic content.